

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Wednesday, 10/30/08 Sanitas

3 miles
1,300 vertical

Due to other obligations, I went short today so I could go easy. Headed over to Sanitas with Sierra and as is most often times the case was just a "dog walk" which was fine as I went hard on Mon/Tues. I felt it a bit in my legs today and mentally was not all that into being out. Went up in 20:15 which included about 90+ seconds of waiting for Sierra to dick around and sniff things. Felt particularly left footed on the descent and never really felt like trying to get in a groove so it ended up taking 17 to get down.

In the afternoon, I took my dad to the base of the 1st Flatiron, as I was expecting some friends to come running by. As if on cue, a bunch of friends came past and scrambled up the 1st, then over to the 3rd. I just happened to have my camera and took a few photos and went back down to the jct. to watch them run past. They never showed, as they took a bushwhack route I did not know about. We zipped back to Chautauqua hoping to see them finish their run/scramble. In comes Stefan, Charlie, Buzz, Bill, Adam and Dan, but NO DAVE! WTF! Guess he sprained his ankle, real bummer.