The weather was looking a little iffy in the morning, so we threw the bikes in the car and drove to Ward to expedite our trip to the Peak to Peak highway. On the way there, we passed literally hundreds of riders and I was itching to be on the bike passing as many as possible. Once we parked and readied for our ride, we headed North toward Allenspark, but turned around just prior due to ever darkening skies. We got sprinkled on a bit, but things seemed good enough when we returned to Ward, so we rode up to Brainard, did a lap, then sat in a nice window of sunshine enjoying the views, fresh piney smell and mountain air. Things soon clouded up and became a bit cold, so we sped back down the hill to the car. It is awesome to be cold on the 4th of July, or at least have the option. Allison just loves her new bike, huge improvement. We topped off the day with a nice lunch in Ned..
Only one day per year I can wear this stupid windbreaker (and matching socks out of view).
Luckily, Allison looks good, so I don't have to.