Whether or not I would be able to get out today remained tenuous at best, though I was always at the ready and pounced on the opportunity at the last minute, as I found it nearly impossible not to get out for a run in shorts one last time for the year.
Started up Amphi/Saddle/Greenman a bit after 3pm. It was a good bit warmer than yesterday, but a bit windier. My perceived effort was a little bit higher than both laps the previous day, but most of this was because I was in a hurry and tight on time. Even though I pushed a little harder (moderate to upper moderate), my legs were feeling a bit sluggish and I ended up putting in the slowest time of 3 ascents in 2 days. Descended back down the front on cruise control.
Up: 36:27
Down: 21:36
RT: 58:03