

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Thursday, 07/01/10 Green Mountain

Early morning "dog jog" up Green via Gregory/Ranger.  Not sure how I would feel after having a few days of feeling sluggish and waking up to a massive charlie horse in my left calf (felt like somebody stabbing me with a knife and twisting).  Started off mellow through Gregory, made the Ranger Cabin in 16:33, which I thought was decent considering how easy it felt and how much I was waiting on Sierra.  Greenman/Ranger jct. in a touch over 20, 4-way in 33:4x, waited for Sierra to show her mug, then pushed hard to the summit, knowing she would come lingering in eventually.  Tagged the top at 36:53 (avg HR 155/max 180), spent a minute or two, then returned the same way (26:43 down at 124 avg HR/max 142).  Awesome morning to be out.