After two painful days on the bike, I figured a walk in the hills might help relieve a little stiffness in my legs. I decided to head up S. Boulder Peak, as I was interested to see what remained of this fabled snowstorm. The going was slow, then I hit some snow and it was even slower, then it even slowed more above the saddle as I postholed in shorts all the way to the summit. I made the summit in 1:33, even Sierra was waiting for me, wondering what the heck was up.
The descent was tricky in the snow, compounded by my weak legs. I ended up pulling off the descent in a lightning fast 1:21 for a 2:56 RT (including breaks). This might be an all time slow solo trip for me, but it felt great just to be outside on such a nice day, not to mention the coolness of the deep snow felt great on my sore and tired legs.
You'll have to take me up that again sometime without snow so I can see the trail!