

Friday, June 4, 2010

Friday, 06/04/10 Grays/Torreys in the AM/Road Ride in the PM

From Stevens Gulch TH
Sierra and I
2:21 RT
(59 to saddle/1:14 to Torreys/1:34 Grays/2:21 Finish)
avg HR 149 (max 173)

Evans plans for today fell through and I was not too excited about running the road by myself, so I went to the ol’ standby, Grays/Torreys. My legs felt good and I ran more than last week, but there is still enough snow to make things pretty slow, especially since what snow is left seems to be a bit softer and more prone to post holing. The wind was of course howling across the saddle and on the upper section of Torreys. It would not have been too bad in a better dressed hiking mode, but was really cold going as a runner (although I still had on a few layers on top, a wool beanie, gloves).

I felt great on the descent and was dying to rip it (I did go fast on the dry sections), but the ever softening snow required caution. Once back at the car, I spent a half hour eating and drying clothes, contemplating another lap. I set Sierra up in the shade with the windows open and plenty of water and began my second lap. About 5 minutes up the trail, I started feeling really guilty for leaving her. Though my legs and energy levels were as good or better than lap one, my head was just not in it, as I was not too keen to get back into the soft snow and howling wind, so I just headed back to the car. I let Sierra out (she was very happy that I returned), and we spent an hour walking up valley on the opposite side of the creek from the trail, exploring old mines and finding patches of snow for her play in. No hurry to get back to 90+ degree heat.

Once back at home, I ate a quick lunch and then took off on the road bike. Headed into Boulder, up the creek path, Canyon to 4-Mile and intended to go to Gold Hill. I made it to where the road turns to dirt and continued climbing, but it was super hot and I had had enough. I was also not stoked to negotiate dirt descents on skinny tires today as required to get home from Gold Hill. By the time I got home I was cooked. Once in the neighborhood, I tacked on a lap around the block to make an even 40 miles in 2:15ish hours. I was pretty happy to have gotten out for my first real road ride of the year.

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