

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Monday, 12/24/12 Green Mountain Hike with Amelie

5.3 miles/2,321 vert./1:39 (57 up)

Isabelle was sick and mom had some shopping to do, so Amelie, Sierra and I headed out for a hike up Green Mountain on Christmas Eve day morning.

Because we had the dog, we headed up Gregory/Ranger and I wogged a few of the flatter sections early on, but 95% of the outing was spent hiking, both up and down.  Could have gone quicker, but I was trying to keep things comfortable and enjoyable for Amelie and we sang Christmas songs much of the way, pointed out all of the Christmas trees, identified bird songs and fetched snacks and mittens.

Bumped into Chris Gerber in Gregory Canyon and chatted with him for a bit, saw a few other runners and hikers, but was overall a very quiet day on the mountain.  A bit chilly at the start, but soon I was feeling quite overdressed, though froze when we spent 10 or so minutes on the summit.  I was quite impressed that Amelie accurately pointed out Mt. Audubon from the summit (partially obscured by clouds).  She recognized it from our walks here in Louisville where both she and Isabelle can identify Bear, Green, Audubon and Longs.  Not bad for 2 year olds.

Had to be official and tag the true summit

Taking a little time to enjoy the summit

She loved exploring the summit and did not want to leave

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